I have pursued the love of art throughout my life, branching into
calligraphy, graphic design, digital art, fine art, murals,
book illustrations, and commissioned art.
I enjoy many mediums, including acrylic, watercolor, oils, colored pencil, and ink. The spirit of life in all things is ever present when I paint. My favorite subjects are nature’s bounty of land, sea, sky, and wildlife. When appropriate, I enjoy adding words to artwork.
Each painting tells a story or embodies an experience of life I have enjoyed. Everything is alive and holds a message for those who desire to hear. I offer my art as inspiration to stir your awareness and fuel your passion as you awaken to the love and beauty supporting you in your life journey.
This infinity painting symbolizes the power you have within you. As a living soul, you can emulate the majesty and spirit of the horse, which is a model of determination, endurance, and courage. The feather rises in the wind and reminds you that your inner guidance will recognize truth and rise to its level. Your soul is like the figure-eight, the infinity symbol, supplied with constant energy and power flow. Know that you are empowered, and all things are possible.
Rainbow Valley
The rainbow heralds a new beginning and symbolizes the fulfillment of a promise. Take time to enter a quiet place within your heart and go to the rainbow valley in meditation. In that stillness be renewed. Let the healing energies of earth’s crystals, water, air, trees, and sunshine refresh you. Climb the stairs to enter the lighted cave in the mountainside. Wise ones and the helpers will receive you with love.
Two Rivers Meet
Powerful energies intermingle where two rivers meet. Some call the converging energy vortexes or dragon points. There is not a place in the universe that is not energy. All of life is consciousness in some form. The flower you touch releases its precious energy to enrich your life. The rocks retain the memories and mysteries of history. The trees enhance all life and speak secrets of wisdom to those who listen. Take time whenever you can to receive the earth’s blessings and bless her in return. Sit at mother earth’s feet and be empowered by her energy and the wisdom she speaks.