My four brothers and I grew up on a twenty-acre farm in Sandy, Oregon. We were allowed to play outdoors and roam the forests freely. It was then that I fell in love with the beauty of our earth. My passion for art was nurtured by my mother and fueled by the glories of nature. Soon I discovered the magic of words. I often combined these powerful art forms into a symphony of color and text. People commissioned me to paint pictures to hang on their walls. Churches enlisted me to paint stage scenery for their plays. As a graphic designer, I helped others pursue their dreams by using words and pictures to embellish the pages promoting their products and services.
After seven decades of gathering wisdom from my life experiences, I wrote my first book, Jump Without Fear: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Liberation. Within that book, I recorded all the lessons and wisdom my soul has reaped from living. As an artist and an author, I offer you the richest and sweetest portions I have found in life. My greatest joy comes when I learn that my efforts have blessed and encouraged another person.
My Story
In my youth
High school days
Mid-life Glamour Shot
Wedding dance
55th high school class reunion
Honeymoon in Alaska 2022