Jump Without Fear

A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Liberation

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To recommend that you Jump Without Fear is a multifaceted statement.

If you fear other people’s opinions, it calls you to find and be your authentic self. If you fear that you will make a mistake, it offers encouragement to see life for the pendulum that it is. In life, we swing from not knowing to discovering. Then we swing between choosing and letting go. We return to not knowing, only to begin again. All through life, the choice to ask a higher power to assist us is there.

Jump Without Fear contains an inside view of one who has fostered a conscious connection with a higher power through prayer and meditation.

You can look into Diana’s life and see yourself and your life in that mirror. You are an immortal soul gifted with a human life. Every life has challenges and experiences that over time balance out and provide nourishment. Diana’s story will help you recognize your true nature, encourage you to embrace your value, and inspire you to trust that your life is on course. Even when everything seems to blow up before your eyes, as it did for Diana, you can survive and keep going, knowing there is purpose in it. Though it may be difficult to perceive at the time, every day you are growing and learning. You can find ways to grow into a stronger, more loving soul in all life’s encounters.

Jump Without Fear offers wisdom obtained through seven decades of this learning process we call life. Diana spent seventy years trying to please everyone else and ignoring her inner guidance. She wrote this book to help others recognize their worth sooner than she recognized her own. Through telling her story of trial and error, ups and downs, and eventual liberation, she hopes to help readers increase their understanding of how much they are loved and supported by Spirit.

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Jump Without Fear

As you move forward with integrity, do not be afraid to leap into life. Follow your heart’s guidance and respect the nudges of your soul. If your intention is to follow the light, you cannot make a mistake. No matter which path you choose, your experience will provide the insight you need for your next step.

Photography Prints

Hope and Courage

The darkness you pass through makes the light more apparent when you find it. Continue to overcome the obstacles that block your progress. Though experiences shatter your heart, keep moving forward. Courage will become your companion, and once you have passed into the light, what you have gained will never be taken from you. Every obstacle you overcome leads you higher. Keep climbing until you reach the summit.

Photography Prints

Sedona Sunrise

Times of trial are often followed by moments of triumph. Remember that seeds grow in the dark, and beautiful flowers emerge from damp, cold soil. Having overcome your obstacles, you grow tall with new strength. Reaching out to welcome the sunshine, you see life with fresh eyes and expanded understanding.

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Molalla River Rocks

Take time to see the miracles all around you. Listen for the messages that streams, rocks, and sunshine whisper in your heart. Rest by the creek and learn the lessons of flowing with life and taking time to bask in the warmth. Like the river rocks that sparkle in the reflection of the sun, you too are a light, and your sparkle can bless another. Let it shine!